Save a Life, Get a Cool Book


When was the last time you purchased a book that literally saved a life?  Yeah, I hadn’t done that before, either.  Until today. The Domino Project in conjunction with Box of Crayons is working with Malaria No More to help end malaria. When you grab a copy of their new book, $20 of the $25 purchase cost goes [...]

I Can *Borrow* a Copy of That, Right?


The web is full of awesome content, isn’t it? Stunning photographs, super cute illustrations, insightful info graphics… Brilliant blog posts, beautiful prose and poetry, articles that answer our questions and challenge our preconceptions… …and we want to share it all! My Readers Would Love This!  I’ll Just Borrow it… So it’s okay, right?  I can [...]

How One List Made Me Reconsider Unsubscribing

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So I’ve had a crazy week with two computers going AWOL on me and as you can imagine the email piled up.  Then found my IP got blacklisted.  Not fun.  I’m finally taking the jump I should have 6 months ago to feed all my mail into a help desk.  But as I prep I’m [...]

Is it a Dog or a Dinosaur? Can You Tell?

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Mystery of the day… is that a dog or a dinosaur? Can you tell?  Or does the costume fool you? How about you?  Are you doing what you’re meant to do and being authentically you? As someone who’s spent much of her childhood hiding behind one mask or another… it’s not worth it and it [...]

Ways to Go Green With Your Home Office


Support your health and a healthy world by making green choices for your home office. It’s not difficult to be more environmentally friendly while creating a home office that will reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals, it just requires a bit of planning and thought. Furnishing & Decorating Your Office To furnish your office consider [...]

What Motivates Us?


I wanted to share a video today that’s a very interesting look at what motivates us. Keep in mind as you watch that you’re your own boss, and it’s your job to motivate yourself! Understanding the way our own minds and emotions work can help us keep ourselves inspired and motivated to work towards our [...]

Help Your Customers Love You


It’s worth it to do whatever you can to build a business others can become fans of.  Why?  Because fans are LOYAL. My husband is a football fanatic.  In 11 years of marriage I think the best gift I gave him was tickets to a Steelers playoff game for his birthday.  He had to fly [...]

What to Do When Someone Steals Your Content


You’ve worked hard on your blog posts, articles, sales pages and other writing, as well as your graphics design, website design, and logo.  They’re yours.  But online many people think it’s “fair game” to borrow and profit from your work. It’s not okay unless you’ve given your permission. I saw a video online last week [...]

Wiping off the Marketing Tricks Slime...


Last night I opted-in for a free report on building website credibility (it’s something I talk about on my blog so I was curious what others were saying). I actually feel the need to wipe the slime off me after reading it. It just felt wrong to me, and relied on little “almost illegal” (their [...]

Is Business Really Kill or Be Killed?


Business doesn’t have to be cut-throat, kill or be killed, beat the competition at all costs. Thank goodness! I’d never survive in that kind of world. And I don’t believe in running a business that way. The great news is that business that care about their customers, their competition, and their planet can be successful! [...]